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Genuine DELTA HP-A0652R3B Adapter 679W11N0AJS 19V 3.42A 65W AC Adapter Charger S$32.65

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Offer S$32.65 Genuine DELTA HP-A0652R3B Adapter 679W11N0AJS 19V 3.42A 65W AC Adapter Charger, Use This Power Adapter On Your Laptop Computer Or Monitor Is Safe And Efficient

Fast Ship Genuine DELTA HP-A0652R3B Adapter 679W11N0AJS 19V 3.42A 65W AC Adapter Charger To Singapore, Southeast Asia

Image Output Volt Current Max Power Tip Size Tip Note Price Adapter Code
19V 3.42A 65W 5.5 x 1.7mm acer tip S$ 32.65DELTA19V3.42A65W-5.5X1.7mm-small
Genuine DELTA HP-A0652R3B Adapter 679W11N0AJS 19V 3.42A 65W AC Adapter Charger DELTA19V3.42A65W-5.5X1.7mm-small
Genuine DELTA HP-A0652R3B Adapter 679W11N0AJS 19V 3.42A 65W AC Adapter Charger, 19V, 3.42A , DELTA19V3.42A65W-5.5X1.7mm-small
1 Year Warranty & 30 Days Money Back
Quality inspection ok

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Genuine DELTA HP-A0652R3B Adapter 679W11N0AJS 19V 3.42A 65W AC Adapter Charger

  • In Stock
  • Original Price: S$ 41.33
  • Sale Price:
    S$ 32.65
    ( Update: Mar 2025 )
  • You save: S$ 8.68
  • Please make sure that the adapter's interface specifications are correct when purchasing.

Machine Model: *

( Genuine DELTA HP-A0652R3B Adapter 679W11N0AJS 19V 3.42A 65W AC Adapter Charger. Free shipping in Singapore and Southeast Asia )
Zahlung Genuine DELTA HP-A0652R3B Adapter 679W11N0AJS 19V 3.42A 65W AC Adapter Charger
Adapter Code:DELTA19V3.42A65W-5.5X1.7mm-small
Ac InPut: 100-240V~1.5A 50-60Hz
DC Out Put: 19V
Out Put Current: 3.42A
Max Power: 65W
Adapter Weight: 208g
Size( L x W x H ): 95.00 x 50.10 x 25.70mm
Original: Yes
Tip Size: 5.5 x 1.7mm
Tip Note: acer tip
Why use genuine / original ac adapter?
  • Targeted design, in line with safety, quality standards, and machine requirements.
  • Long life, low heat, no damage to the machine.
  • Branded chips and electronic components, more stable output.
  • Contains protection and feedback circuits to make the machine work safely and comfortably.

Ac Adapter Compatible Data:

This adapter can work as follow adapter model (Compatible information)

Fit Laptop (Machine) Model:

ACER: ASPIRE E1-522-5460, ASPIRE E1-522-3442, ASPIRE E1-531-2686, [ ASPIRE 7750 ac adapter ],
FR1100, 3000, 3200, 4000, 5000,
3603XCI, 2920, 5530, 3003WCI, 3608NWXCI, 2930, 5535, 3003WLCI, 3608WXCI, 3050, 5570, [ 1680 ac adapter ], 3608WXMI, 3100, 5570Z, 1681LCI, 3030, 5580, 1681WLCI, 3620, 5710, 1681WLMI, 3610, 5710Z, 1683WLMI, [ 3650 ac adapter ], 5715Z, 1684WLMI, 3660, 5720, 1685WLMI, 3670, 5730Z, 5000, 3680, 5735, 5002LMI, 4220, 5735Z, 5002WLMI, 4230, 5920G, 5004WLMI, 4310, 5930, 1410, 4320, 6530, 1414WLCI, 4330, [ 6920 ac adapter ], 1640, 4520, 7100, 1642WLMI, 4530, 7230, 1690, 4710, 7330, AS1690LCI, 4710Z, 7530, AS1690WLCI, 4720, 7530G, AS1690WLMI, 4730Z, 7730, AS1691WLCI, 4920, 7730Z, [ AS1691WLMI ac adapter ], 4930, 9100, AS1692WLMI, 5050, 9400, AS1694WLMI, 5100, 1300, 3600, 1200, 5230, 1350, 3603WXCI, 1650, [ 5235 ac adapter ], 1360, 3603WXMI, 2000, 5310, 3000, 3602NWXM, 2010, 5315, 3002LCI, 603WXCI, 3603NWXM, 2020, 5330, 3002WLCI, 3603NWXMI, 2420, 5520, 3002WLMI,
4120, 4220, 4620, 5220, 5620, 5630, [ 7220 ac adapter ], 7620,
371TCI XP, 4150, 533XV, 2312LCI, 614, 4500, 653XC, 720, 213, 739TLV, 261XV, 803LMI, 291LMI, 340T, 371TI, 4220, 533XVI, 3000, 610TXC, 4501WLMI, 653XCI, 722, 213T, 740, 270, 803LMIB, 291LMI-G, 341TV, 371TMI, 4310, [ 534LC ac adapter ], 3002WTCI, 610TXV, 4100, 653XV, 723 SERIES, [ 213TX ac adapter ], 741, 272, 803XCI, 291XCI, 342T, 5XX, 4320, 534LCI, 3210, 610TXVI, 4100LCI, 654LC, 720TX, 213TXV, 744 SERIES, 273, 803XVI, 291XCIH, 343TV, 512DX, 4330, 534TL, 3213WXCI, 611TXC, 4100LMI, 654LCI, 720TXV, 220, 740LVF, 275 SERIES, 804LC, 292LC, 345, 512T, 4520, 534XC, 3213WXMI, 611TXCI, 6000, 654XC, 721TX, 222, 741LVF, 270XV, 804LCI, 292LCI, 347 SERIES, 512TE, 4720, 534XCI, [ 2300 ac adapter ], 611TXV, 6003LMI, 654XCI, 722ITX, 223, 744LCF, 272LC, [ 804LCIB ac adapter ], 292LM, [ 345T ac adapter ], 512T-64, 4730, 534XV, 2301LC, 612TXC, 8000, 654XV, 722ITXV, 225, 80X-SERIES, 272X, 804LM, 292LMI, 347T SERIES, 513DX, 5100, 535LC, 2301LCI, 612TXCI, 8002LCI, 655LCI, 722TX, 222X, 800LC, 272XV, 804LMI, 293LCI, 350, 513T, 5210, 535LCI, 2301WLCI, [ 612TXV ac adapter ], 8003LMI, 660LCI, 723TX, 223X, 800LCI, 272XVI, 804LMIB, 293LMI, 351, 514T, 5220, 536LCI TRAVELMATE 540 SERIES, 2301XC, 613TXC, 8006LMI, 660LMI, [ 723TXV ac adapter ], 223XC, 800LCIB, [ 273X ac adapter ], 3XX, 352, 514TXV, 5230, 540LCI, 2303LC, 613TXV, 8100, 661LC, 730, 223XV, 800LMI, 273XV, 310, 353, 515TE, 5310, 540LMI, 2303LCI, 614TXVCI, 8104WLMI, 661LCI, 732, 225X, 800LMIB, 275LC, 311, 354 SERIES, 516TE, 5320, 541LC, 2303WLCI, 620, ZF1, 661LM, 734, 225XC, 800XC, 280, 312, 350TE, [ 517TE ac adapter ], 5510, 541LCI, 2304LCI, 621, [ 2XX ac adapter ], 661LMI, 735 SERIES, 225XV, 800XCI, 281, 313, 350TE-N, 53X, 5520, 541LCIB, 2304WLCI, 623 SERIES, 200DX, 661XC, 730TX, 230, 801LC, 283, 314 SERIES, 351TE, 530LC, 5530, 541LMI, ZL1, 621LV, 200T, 661XCI, 730TXV, 233, 801LCI, 281XC, 310T, 351TEV, 2350, 530LCI, 5600, 541XCI, 3220, 621XC, 201, [ 661XVI ac adapter ], 732TLV, 234 SERIES, 801LCIB, 281XV, 311T, 352TE, 2400, 530XC, [ 5710 ac adapter ], 541XV, 3220WXCI, 621XV, 201T, 662LC, 732TX, 230XC, [ 801LMI ac adapter ], 283LC, [ 312T ac adapter ], 353TE, 2410, 530XCI, 5720, 542LCI, 3220WXMI, 623LC, 202, 662LCI, 732TXV, 230XV, 801LMIB, 283LCI, 313T, 353TEV, 2450, 530XV, 5730, 542LMI, 3222WXCI, 623LCI, 202T, 662LM, 734TL, 230XV-PRO, 801XC, 283XV, 314T, 354TE, 2460, 530XVI, 6231, 543LCI, 3222WXMI, 630, 210 SERIES, 662LMI, 734TXV, 233LC, 801XCI, 283XVI, 320 SERIES, 354TEV, 360, 2470, 531LC, 6291, [ 543LMI ac adapter ], 4000, 632, 210, 662XCI, 735TLV, [ 233X ac adapter ], 801XVI, 290, 330, 361, 2480, 531LCI, 6292, 6XX-SERIES, 4000LCI, 633 SERIES, 210T, 663LCI, 736, 233XV, 802LCI, 290LC, 332, 364 SERIES, 3230, 531XC, 6492, 600, 4000WLCI, 630XV, 210TER, 663LM, 737, 233XVI, 802LCIB, 290LCI, 333 SERIES, 361EVI, 3030, 531XCI, 6592, 602, 4001LCI, 630XCI, 210TXF, 663LMI, 738, 234LCI, 802LMI, 290LMI, 330T, [ 364ECI SERIES ac adapter ], 3040, 531XV, 7230, 603, [ 4001WLCI ac adapter ], 632XCI, 211, 7XX-SERIES, 739 SERIES, 260, 802LMIB, 290XCI, 332T, 365 SERIES, 3250, 531XVI, 7320, 604, 4001WLMI, 633LCI SERIES 650LC, 211T, 736TL, 261 SERIES, 802XCI, 290XI, 333T, 370 SERIES, 3260, 533LC, 7530, 610, 4002WLMI, 650XC, 212, 736TLV, 261XC, 803LC, 290XMI, 340, 371LCI, 3270, 533LCI, 7720, 611, 4020, [ 650XCI ac adapter ], 212T, 737TLV, 261XV SERIES, 803LCI, 290XVI, 341, 371LMI, [ 3300 ac adapter ], 533XC, 7730, 612, 4050, 653LC, 212TE, [ 738TLV ac adapter ], 261SERIES, 803LCIB, [ 291LCI ac adapter ], 342, 371TCI, 4060, 533XCI, 2310, 613, 4052LCI, 653LCI, 212TXV, 739GTLV, 261X, 803LM, 291LCI-G, 343 SERIES,
LT2802U, MC7310U, NV52, NV5213U, NV5214U, NV5302U, NV54, MD2614U, MD7820U, MS2285, MS2273, MS2274, NV53, NV78, P5WS0, P5WSO,

This adapter may be can be used for follow machine ( Customer offered ):

Z01, Ms2273, gateway ne56r, Gateway ID59C, E1-572G, Acer E5-511, V3-571-6636, N15Q2, aspire 5749z, 5920, acer aspire e1-531, Aspire 7750, acer aspire, Acer MS2361

Offer S$32.65 Genuine DELTA HP-A0652R3B Adapter 679W11N0AJS 19V 3.42A 65W AC Adapter Charger, use this Power Adapter on your laptop computer or monitor is safe and efficient

Tags: Genuine DELTA HP-A0652R3B Adapter 679W11N0AJS 19V 3.42A 65W AC Adapter Charger, 19V 3.42A ac adapter, 19V 3.42A charger,DELTA 19V 3.42A power adapter, DELTA 65W

Question about AC / DC Adapters ( From internet ):

How to protect the power adapter?

  1. Unstable input voltage is the main factor for power adapter failure. Therefore, try to avoid sockets on the same network as high-power electrical appliances.
  2. Protected against being struck by lightning or connected to an AC line that is not protected against lightning strikes.
  3. Carefully unplug the adapter connectors, this is one of the most vulnerable parts.
  4. Pay attention to ventilation and heat dissipation when the adapter is working, and do not cover the surface of the adapter with towels or paper.
  5. Pay attention to pets such as cats and dogs, they often bite the connectors or cables of the adapter.
  6. The adapter has a certain anti-drop and shock-proof function, but it may still cause magnetic displacement of the transformer or damage to the shell if it is dropped or hit at a high altitude.
  7. Keep the adapter out of water.

The power adapter is broken, can I repair the power adapter myself?

Repair is not recommended because:

  1. Opening the adapter may destroy the original heat dissipation, magnetic isolation, sound insulation, shock resistance and other functions.
  2. Power adapters are generally integrated electronic components, it is difficult to find replacement parts, and it is also difficult to maintain.
  3. Insufficient maintenance experience may lead to abnormal output of the adapter, burning of electrical appliances, and even safety accidents such as electric leakage and electric shock.
  4. There are many inexpensive, high-quality original adapters available in the market.
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